Sponsor a Webcam

To enable many people to view the video stream from a webcam simultaneously, we must pay a video streaming service. By sponsoring a webcam you help defray our cost for providing this view into The Cat House on the Kings. Please note:

  • The sponsorship rate is $5.00/webcam/day for up to 30 days.
  • Sponsorship dates are assigned automatically in the order in which we receive sponsorship donations. We regret that currently we are unable to reserve specific dates.
First name:
Last name:
Organization URL: (subject to approval)
Country: (Privacy?)
Confirm Email:
Sponsorship days: (Total donation $)
Acknowledgement: How would you like your sponsorship acknowledged? (See above.)
Your first & last names
Your first initial & last name
Your first name & last initial
Your first & last initials
Your Organization name (with optional link)
Mailing list: Would you like to join the The Cat House on the Kings mailing list for newsletters and occasional announcements?
Opt-in Opt-out

Thank you for sponsoring our webcam! You can make your $ sponsorship donation in any of the following ways:

  • Click on the PayPal or Stripe button below to pay online:
    Which should I choose?
  • Call our business office at (559) 638-8696 (Option 3) Mon-Fri 8am-3:30pm (Pacific) to pay by credit/debit card.
  • Mail a check (in USD) with “Webcam Sponsorship” in the memo field to:

    The Cat House on the Kings
    7120 S. Kings River Rd.
    Parlier CA 93648

As soon as we process your donation we'll send you an email with the dates for your webcam sponsorship and another on the day it starts.

Thank you for your donation! Your webcam sponsorship .