Callista has been adopted!

Russian Blue Mix

Callista: The Gentle Cuddler
Callista is a delightful combination of gentleness, affection, and playfulness, making her the perfect companion for anyone seeking a furry friend to brighten their days. Much like her sister, she approaches life with a gentle touch and a heart full of love.
One of Callista's favorite pastimes is snuggling up with her humans, where she can often be found drifting off to sleep with a soft purr. It's not unusual to catch her purring even in her dreams, a testament to the deep contentment she finds in the presence of her loved ones.
With her light black/smokey grey coat and eyes that shimmer with hues of green or yellow, Callista exudes an air of elegance and mystery. Despite her serious-looking face, she's actually quite tiny and utterly adorable, ready to melt your heart with just one glance. 
Whether she's engaging in playful antics or curling up for a cozy cuddle session, Callista is sure to bring warmth and joy to any home lucky enough to have her. Embrace her gentle nature and let her fill your life with endless love and laughter.

Littermates:  Aleko, Athena, Cosmo, Dino, Katerina