Cat 25605 (BK) is available for adoption

Russian Blue Mix / Domestic Short Hair
8 months old

This pearly blue beauty is lovable BK, short for basement kitty where she was rescued from. She’s a polished satin doll from nose to toes to tail, full of fun-loving spirit and curiosity, and readily shares her big personality with everyone she meets! She likes to play with the other kittens and does great with visitors. Her mission in life is to love and enjoy her people, and she makes it look easy with her very happy, friendly, and affectionate nature! With the constellation of gifts lovable BK has to offer, she’s sure to be a joyful addition in a great forever family that cherishes her. How about yours?

Please note:

  • Cat 25605 (BK) is shown as a Russian Blue Mix / Domestic Short Hair / Domestic Short Hair - Gray based solely on her appearance. We rarely take in purebred animals, so virtually all of them are a mix of several breeds. Do not make an adoption decision based only on our breed designation, especially if you are concerned about allergies.